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Career-Technical Education Awareness Surveys

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Career-Technical Education Awareness Surveys


The perception of career-technical education (CTE) has come a long way in the past 30 years. In the last 5-10 years, awareness of the benefits of CTE has grown exponentially especially within the governor’s office and Ohio legislature. Governor DeWine and Lt. Governor Husted have been great partners and proponents of the impact CTE can have in Ohio. This awareness campaign is about expanding upon what has been started and using that momentum to propel the message even further…career-technical education is for EVERYONE!


The office has contracted with Singleton & Partners, an experienced marketing firm in Cleveland, to develop a marketing campaign to promote CTE. To ensure this campaign is successful and the materials developed are useful to schools, we need as much feedback as possible from both CTE and non-CTE students, teachers, counselors, school administration and families. Surveys for both CTE and non-CTE parents/guardians, students and school staff encompassing grades 6-12 have been developed for distribution. This is where we need your help. Please take the school staff survey and then share all the surveys through appropriate communication channels. This could be via email distribution lists, social media, school message boards and business advisory councils. Please contact Patricia.Guseman@education.ohio.gov  for additional information or if you would like to receive a version of this document in Microsoft Word.

Student Online Survey

This survey is open to all middle school and high school students who are currently enrolled in grades 6-12. It will take an average of 7-8 minutes to complete. The survey can only be taken one time. Please answer every question and complete the entire survey once you begin. The survey is anonymous. Please click the hyperlink or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone to go to the Student Survey. The survey will close on April 21, 2023.


Parent/Guardian Online Survey

This survey is open to parents or guardians of middle school and high school students who are currently enrolled in grades 6-12. It will take an average of 7-8 minutes to complete. The survey can only be taken one time. Please answer every question and complete the entire survey once you begin. The survey is anonymous. Please click the hyperlink or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone to go to the Parent/Guardian Survey. The survey will close on April 21, 2023.


Teacher/Counselor/Administrator Online Survey

This survey is open to teachers, counselors, and administrators of middle school and high school students who are currently enrolled in grades 6-12. It will take an average of 6-7 minutes to complete. The survey can only be taken one time. Please answer every question and complete the entire survey once you begin. The survey is anonymous. Please click the hyperlink or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone to go to the Teacher/Counselor/Administrator Survey. The survey will close on April 21, 2023.


Click here to view/print the flyer

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