It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Or is it? Wait a minute, is it this week or next week?
Due to conflicting calendars from various teacher groups, testing, and national celebration calendars, we've run into some confusion over which week is officially Teacher Appreciation Week.
It's typically the first week in May, but some folks follow calendars that consider Sunday the first day of the week instead of Monday. Since May 1st is today (Monday), some of our schools have plans this week, and others will recognize it next week. Instead of trying to upend plans at the last minute, we'll celebrate over the next two weeks. Problem solved!
We felt a quick update would be helpful so everyone knows the reason behind the staggered recognition. Next year, we'll all celebrate together during the same week! Of course, we love to honor and cherish our educational staff every week!!
Thank you, teachers! You are greatly appreciated! 🎉🙌🎈