Aldo, center of photo, in white tshirt is holding a certificate and glass award from the Lovis Foundation. Around him is the Board of Education, Kathleen Koch, PCMS Hope Squad Leader and Emily Elma, The Lovis Foundation.

The Princeton School Board of Education honored Aldo Sanchez Romero for receiving the Extraordinary Student Award from The Lovis Foundation - a foundation whose aim is to spread joy by supporting initiatives and non-profit partners for the under-supported and under-recognized with a focus on the disability community.


Aldo was nominated for this award by Kathleen Koch, Princeton Community Middle School Hope Squad Leader.

“I am honored to write this nomination for Aldo Sanchez Romero, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for the past academic year. As Aldo's Hope Squad advisor, I have witnessed first hand his exceptional qualities that make him stand out among his peers. Aldo consistently demonstrates a positive attitude and approach to learning. 

His interactions with classmates are marked by respect, kindness, and inclusivity. I have observed him going above and beyond to ensure that all students feel welcome and valued in the classroom. 

During his volunteer sessions in the special needs classrooms, Aldo shows thoughtfulness by selecting games that cater to each student's preferences and skill levels, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among his peers. 

One particular aspect of Aldo's character that impresses me is his natural leadership skills. He takes initiative in guiding group activities, addressing any challenges that may arise, and offering support to his classmates without hesitation. Aldo's willingness to assist his peers, ask insightful questions, and create a supportive learning environment is truly commendable. 

Moreover, Aldo's involvement in the Hope Squad volunteer rotation schedule has been a valuable addition to our classroom dynamics. His eagerness to engage with others and his genuine interest in helping those around him have made a positive impact on both students and staff members alike. 

Aldo's dedication to fostering a culture of inclusivity and support is evident in every interaction he has within our learning community. 

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Aldo for the Lovis Extraordinary Student Award. His exemplary character, leadership abilities, and commitment to creating an inclusive environment make him a valuable asset to our PCMS family. I am confident that he will continue to excel and make a positive impact in our community.”