Repquest for Proposal Title: Multifunction Copiers/Printers Due Date: July 19, 2024 Princeton City Schools logo and photo of copy machine

Title: Multifunction Copiers/Printers

Due Date: July 19, 2024

Click to view or print RFP

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

The Princeton City School District is located just north of Cincinnati. This suburban community is crossed north-south by Interstate 275 and east-west by Interstate 75. The district covers eleven municipalities and three counties. Princeton City Schools has eleven schools, a pupil enrollment of over 6,000 students, and over eight hundred employees. The District is owned and operated by the Princeton City School District Board of Education (the “District”).

Stated within this Request for Proposal (RFP) are the instructions for submitting a quote, the procedures and criteria by which a vendor will be selected, and the contractual terms by which the district proposes to govern the relationship between it and the selected vendor.

The purpose of this competitive procurement process is to assist the district in selecting a vendor that will best meet the needs of the District. The RFP provides all interested vendors a means to present their services and abilities for an objective review. This RFP is not an offer for a contract but is rather an invitation to submit a proposal.

The District appreciates your consideration of this RFP and looks forward to receiving your quote.

Princeton City Schools provides equal access to its programs and services for all people without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) is to select a vendor to provide multifunction copiers/printers and related maintenance and support services. See Appendix A (bid tab) for a list of copier capabilities and locations.

1.3 Delegated Authority

The District will delegate the process of managing copiers/printers, copier/printer repair and toner provisioning to the vendor selected from this RFP.

1.4 Acknowledged Constraints

The District is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio. Most of its records can be considered public information but student records are not public information. The vendor should be aware that student records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 20 USC 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99 and Ohio Revised Code 3319.321. The confidentiality of student records must be strictly preserved.

1.5 Minimum Vendor Qualifications

The vendor must be licensed to do business within the State of Ohio. In the event that the District chooses to finance the quoted copiers/printers, selected vendors must use in house financing. No 3 rd party leases or privately labeled 3rd party vendors can be used for financing. Any invoicing regarding the contract period will come directly from the selected vendor. Vendors must be able to demonstrate, through customer recommendations of prior experience servicing public K-12 educational institutions of similar size to the

District as determined by similar numbers of devices serviced and volumes of pages copied/printed per month.

1.6 Vendor Options for Bidding

Appendix A identifies the average monthly volume of printed pages expected for machines placed at the locations specified, as well as the minimum desired Pages Per Minute (PPM), finishing capabilities, and whether the device must be able to make color copies. The District reserves the right not to add or replace any machine listed in Appendix A even though a Vendor may bid to add or replace an existing machine.

2.0 General Information

2.1 RFP Coordinator

From the date of receipt of this RFP by each vendor until a binding contractual agreement exists with the selected Vendor, or when the District rejects all the quotes, the only communication shall be between the vendor and the District’s RFP Coordinating Office (Technology Department). Only the Princeton City Schools Board of Education, through formal action taken at a public meeting, can bind the School District to a contract.

The RFP Coordinator is the sole source of contact for the District for this procurement. Communication between the vendor and the District upon receipt of this RFP shall only be with the RFP Coordinator identified below. Requests for information and communications regarding this RFP sent to any person other than the RFP Coordinator will not be responded to:

RFP Princeton City Coordinator: Christopher Lockhart

Princeton City Schools

3900 Cottingham Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45241

Telephone: 513-864-1162


Any other communication will be considered unofficial and not in line with the terms of this RFP.

Vendors are to rely on written statements issued by the RFP Coordinator(s). Communication directed to parties other than the RFP Coordinator may result in disqualification of the vendor.

2.2 Procurement Schedule

RFP packets available: June 21, 2024

Last day for questions: July 5, 2024

Response to questions: July 12, 2024

RFP Due in Tech Dept Office: July 19, 2024 no later than 4 pm local time
New Deadline July 29, 2024

RFP Evaluation Results: On or About July 24, 2024
New Evaluation Date Aug 2, 2024

Final Award: July 26, 2024
New Award Date Aug 5, 2024

Click here to view/print the RFP

Questions received


1.    Is there a # of paper trays required per device?
Two standard paper trays plus bypass tray

2.    Can you provide each machine's average monthly volume over the past year?Please refer to the Ohio Cost per Copy link in Section 8.0 for volume information.

3.    Do you have Papercut today? If yes can you provide your license file #?

4.    Is scanning to Google Drive required on ALL devices?

5.    Are Internal staplers acceptable on some/all devices? VS external staplers

6.    Can you provide fax volumes over the past year? Or approx. average monthly.We have not tracked Fax volume.

7.    Can you clarify section 4.2 - #8. Do you want a 60-month lease with the cost per print (BW & Color) proposed?
Yes.  For cost comparisons.

8.    Can you confirm a 5-year quote is to be priced, whereas a 3-year price is optional (section 6.1).
Yes. There is an option of either.

9.    Regarding 7.0: are there specific days/times required? Or just 24 hours total weekly?
Days are not specific.

10. Regarding 7.0: Is anything specific regarding “running the daily operation of copy center”? or is everything noted all responsibilities?
Everything is listed.

11. Regarding 7.0: can you confirm the employee is stationed at the “copy center” or is this person to travel to all schools for assistance?
Stationed at a single location.

12. Regarding 7.0: can the vendor provide different personnel as long as 24 hours weekly and job description abilities are met? Or does this HAVE to be the same designated employee (only) for the 24 hours weekly?
The vendor can provide different personnel as long as they are familiar with the assigned tasks and are able to perform them unassisted.

13. Regarding 7.0: can you inform us what Pitney Bowes models you have currently that’ll need used/managed?
SendPro P3000 – postage
Relay Series F70P - inserter

14. Does the employee need to be the same person each day?
See previous answer.

15.  Are proposals due on July 19th or July 26th? The table and cover page say July 19th, however, the body of the RFP says July 26th. We are assuming it's due on July 19th. 
July 19 is the correct date.  The RFP section has been corrected

16. -Are all device configurations the exact same? Do you not required booklet finishers or hole punch on any devices? Do you require all external staple finishers or are inner staple finishers okay on devices that have the option to be equipped with inner staple finishers? Do any of the high volume devices require large paper capacity trays? Are you able to provide paper capacity requirements by device? Please refer to the Ohio Cost per Copy link in Section 8.0 for configuration information.


17.  -It’s mentioned to quote PaperCut 5 years AMP but mentions 36 and 60 month lease pricing. Should we provide 36 month Papercut AMP as well?
Yes, if you are providing a 36 month quote.

18. -Section 1.6 states that Appendix A identifies average monthly volumes, however, we are not seeing that information. Can you please provide monthly volumes by device broken out by B&W and Color?Please refer to the Ohio Cost per Copy link in Section 8.0 for volume information.

19. Ref 3.1 – 3 Can you define "specialized stock"?
In reference to the bypass tray, specialized stock would be either an non standard size or not wanting to place that particular stock in a tray or drawer.

20.  Ref 3.1 – 9  Does this mean we are responsible to integrate with their LDAP or do we have to manually update the address book based on their personnel changes?
We would assist in integrating with LDAP no manual updates would be required.

21.  Ref 3.1 – 12 Can you provide additional information about each desktop PC?
All of the desktop computers are Windows 10, Windows 11, or Current Mac OS.

22.  Ref 3.1 – 15 . . . Can you clarify?
During the agreement period if there is a need for a configuration change to setup or keep the fleet functional, the vendor will provide support.

23. Ref 4.2 – 9  Are you expecting the vendor to cover their property insurance and property taxes?
This sections spells out what “…shall be an all-inclusive monthly payment to include…”

24. Can you confirm that there are only 2 Color capable devices (C308 and C659) and the rest of the copiers are B&W only?