Letter from the Principal

Greetings Families of LHES!!!


It’s that time to prepare to kick off a new school year! I am very excited to start YEAR 10 serving the Village of Lincoln Heights as principal, and working alongside an amazing staff here at Lincoln Heights Elementary School. Over the last 9 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed leading our building, making community connections, and seeing our students grow academically and socially. As we enter year 10 together for my returning families, we have some amazing aspects of daily life at LHES to continue and some changes to make so we can continue to grow. To my new families, I am excited to welcome you to LHES. As part of my WELCOME TO LHES plan, I will be reaching out once school starts. I would like to meet with you in a small group to talk about LIFE AT LHES and to get you on board to assist when you are able.

As we prepare to welcome you to the new school year at the MEET THE TEACHER event on August 10th (more information is included in this mailing), let me plant seeds of names of our new staff that you will meet.

I am excited to welcome the following new LHES team members:

Welcome back Mrs. Kasey Kroell! She is returning to LHES as a 3rd grade teacher! Mrs. Kroell was away for a year after spending a few years with us previously in grades 1st and 2nd.

Welcome Ms. Deidre Miller to our 4th / 5th grade team! Ms. Miller did her student teaching here a few years ago with the LHES legend Ms. Layson and has been eager to get back with us!

Welcome Mrs. Molly James, our new school psychologist. Mrs. James comes to us from Stewart Elementary across the district and is excited to work with us to meet individual students’ needs.

Welcome Ms. Andrea Collopy, our new Title I Teacher. Ms. Collopy comes to us from Evendale Elementary across the district and will be working with students in the areas of reading and mathematics.

Welcome Ms. LaToya Mathews, our new health aide. Ms. Mathews will be a great addition to our staff, serving students in our clinic.

Welcome Ms. Cassidy Burr as media specialist, managing our media center, sharing books and knowledge with our students.

Speaking of the media center, we are excited that Ms. Trina Carter is changing roles this year! She is leaving the media center to become our music educator. Ms. Carter has a background in music education, having taught music in CPS several years ago.

And last but not least, I’d like to welcome Ms. Sequoia Phillips to our cafeteria team! Ms. Phillips is a parent of rising 5th graders and is excited to serve our students.

Welcome Miss Courtney Moreland to the specials’ team! Miss Moreland will be our art educator and is already full of

excitement and ready to get started.

With all of these new faces, it is imperative that you come to the MEET THE TEACHER event so you can help welcome our new team members and get to know them!




August 15th: First day of school - Grade 1-5 9am

August 17th: First day of school - Kindergarten 9am

SCHOOL HOURS: 9am-4pm; Staff will be available to welcome car riders and walkers starting at 8:45am. Please note that attendance is very important, including time of arrival. Tardiness hurts students' routines and overall learning. Parents are required to produce documentation for absences and tardiness so that we can enforce the district’s attendance policy.


Car riders will be welcomed in the rear of the building, with cars pulling into the back playground and circling around to allow students to exit the vehicle onto the sidewalk by the picnic area. On good weather days, students will stand outside until the designated time to enter the building. On inclement weather days, staff will supervise students inside the door area.

Parents of car riders will do the same at dismissal, pulling into the playground for staff to dismiss their child from the gym to the car rider line.

Bus riders will enter the front driveway and students will be unloaded with supervision as the bell sounds. Students will enter through the main doors and dismissal will follow the same route.

Walkers will enter either the front or back entry based on which is closer to the route they walk. This is new!


12:15 - 12:45 Kindergarten/5th grade

12:45 - 1:15 2nd/3rd grade

1:15 - 1:45 4th/1st grade

In closing, I want to say THANK YOU in advance for what I know will be a great start to another school year. I am honored to continue my journey at LHES and with you. I will be reaching out to new families as well as asking for more support from returning families. We are a team, and I am looking forward to seeing you and welcoming you to the 2023-2024 school year.

REMINDER: If you haven’t updated your child’s FINAL FORMS for the 2023-2024 school year, please contact the main office for help! We need to have reached 100% completion by the first day of school. A SHOUT OUT TO OUR PARENTS WHO UPDATED THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER!

Please know as always, I am here for you and our students. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. You can either contact the main office (513-864-2400), or send me an email (dbailey@vikingmail.org).

See you soon!

Mrs. Dawn Bailey


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