Viking VIP

Congratulations  to our September VIKING VIP's! 

Kindergarten: Ali’yah and Michael

Ali'yah is a wonderful student. She follows the rules, helps her classmates, and works hard. She is off to a great start. Keep up the good work Ali'yah! 

Michael is a Leader to his peers. He sets great habits daily in the classroom. Michael is a great leader because he follows the classroom and school rules.

1st Grade: Ge’Mani and Mya

Ge’ Mani is a ray of sunshine in first grade. He comes to class ready to learn . Ge’Mani has a think Win-Win attitude. Ge’Mani is a good friend to his peers and a wonderful helper in the classroom.

Mya is a sweet and kind student. Every morning she starts the day by greeting everyone with a smile! Mya is working so hard in all subjects and never gives up. I am so proud of how hard she works each and every day!

2nd Grade: Aloni and Brooklyn

Aloni is simply amazing. She is new to our school this year and I am so happy she is here. Even having only been at Lincoln Heights for a few short weeks, it is clear that Aloni is a leader. She is an extremely hard worker, she is kind to everyone, and Aloni always makes good choices.

Brooklynn is my Viking VIP choice this month because she embodies everything it means to be a leader! She is helpful, kind, and incredibly hard-working. She is proactive in trying to learn new Math skills. She is very organized and consistently leads her classmates. She is a bright light in my classroom and such a joy to be around. 

3rd Grade: Kenniyah and Za’Rihya 

Kenniyah puts first things first daily! She comes in ready to accomplish our tasks, while also upholding our positive classroom vibe of love and support. Kenniyah synergizes daily as she works with her tablemates and other groups in a way that shows true leadership!

Za’Rihya comes to school every day with a positive attitude and a smile on her face! She works really hard and always tries everything on her own first before asking for help. Za’Rihya is always doing the right thing and is a true role model and leader for her peers. I can always count on Za’Rihya.

4th Grade: Kirra and Nevaeh

Kirra is such a sweet young lady who greets teachers and students each morning and afternoon with a smile and kind words. Being polite is just part of who she is and how she treats others.

Neveah is always a leader. She is always being productive. She comes in with a smile on her face and uses kind words.

5th Grade: Eva and Ja’Riah 

Eva is a fantastic addition to our class. She is a hard worker who always wants to do her best. Eva is great at SYNERGIZING with her classmates. I'm proud to call Eva one of my students.

Ja'Riah actively participates in class and does a nice job on her work without needing praise or attention. Every day she does what she needs to do with a sweet disposition and without being involved in any kind of drama. It has been a true pleasure to have Ja'Riah in class so far this year!