Viking VIP’s

Congratulations to our November VIKING VIP's! 

Kindergarten: Antoine and Jaycion

Antoine is a hard-worker. He is dedicated to learning and loves to participate. Antoine demonstrates Habit 3 by putting his work first, then plays. Keep up the great work Antoine!

JayCion is a great leader due to his constant synergizing with all students he comes in contact with.  He also includes everyone and never refuses to work with others.

1st Grade: Jermey and Ay’onna

Jermey is an absolute joy to have in class. Everyday Jermey displays all the habits but I see him sharpening the saw working so hard towards his goals in reading and math! He is an extremely kind friend to his peers and I love to see how generous he is.

Ay'onna is an exceptional student. She is always kind, helpful and makes positive choices. She is a good friend to all of her classmates and a joy to have in our class. She begins with the end in mind, by goal setting and working towards goals. We appreciate her positive attitude and commitment to learning!

2nd Grade: Jy’Air and Cayden

Jy'Air is such a Viking VIP! He displays great kindness to his teachers and classmates. He is always thinking "win-win" and making sure others feel seen and heard. He has been working very hard this month and is consistently being a leader. He leads not only by his words but his actions. He comes to school positive daily and is such a joy to have in 2nd grade!

Cayden makes our classroom a little brighter each day. He is compassionate towards his classmates and his teachers. He always works hard, learning in leaps and bounds each day. Cayden is an exceptional helper in the classroom, always working with people to get things done. I am choosing Cayden for our November student of the month because he truly is a Viking VIP!

3rd Grade: Nehemiah and Mi’Asyah 

Nehemiah joined our LH family in October and is an amazing addition to our Lincoln Heights family! He comes to school every day with a smile on his face and a positive, happy demeanor. He is kind to everyone and such an amazing, respectful student. I love having Nehemiah in my class so much!

Mi'Asyah is a leader from the moment she walks into the building each day! She comes with a smile on her face, ready to work with everyone, no matter what. I can count on her to set an example with exemplary manners and appreciation for learning, at all times. Mi'Asyah promotes habit 6- synergizing, in all areas of our school. She encourages her peers, no matter which group she is in, and always sets off to accomplish any task with kindness and great work ethic! She is the true definition of a leader!

4th Grade: Ja’mareon and Marco

Ja'Mareon walks in the classroom everyday with a warm “Good morning, Mrs. Poe” and a hug. He is polite to his classmates and adults. During discussions, he is always willing to share his ideas and experiences. He faithfully has his homework and assignments completed.

Marco is such a light!  He is willing to help with whatever, whenever! Marco is a leader when it comes to doing what is right all the time. Mrs. Miller is grateful to have Marco in class.

5th Grade: Damarion and Arian 

Damarion is a fantastic student, Room 314 is lucky to have this year. He is a hard worker who is always ready to share an answer. Damarion knows that all students will have an opportunity to answer and complete work so he doesn't yell or push past his classmates. He waits for his turn so it can be a win-win situation. 

Arian comes into class, gets busy working on his assignments, participates in class, & follows instructions.  On top of being a great student, Arian is also a great person.  He is friendly, kind, & always smiling.  He often volunteers to help out in the classroom.