Viking VIP’s

Congratulations to our March Viking VIP’s


Korri has shown great strengths in being a remarkably sweet and kind friend to her classmates. She is always ready to lend a helping hand and offer support whenever there is a problem, making her a valued member of our classroom community.  Korri is always thinking WIN-WIN in and out of the classroom.  Keep up the great work!

Tobias is an AWESOME classmate who is responsible and follows directions the FIRST TIME! He ensures his tablemate does too by assisting him daily with routine and procedure.  Tobias helps him stay on task. Way to go Tobias!!!!

Viking VIP’s

1st Grade:

Makayla is a literal ray of sunshine! She always shows kindness to every student in our class. Makayla works so hard during the school day, continuing to always ask for more work to practice in her math and reading. She is always striving to listen, work harder, and ask for help showing how she is always working to sharpen her saw. I am so proud to see how she has grown this school year, keep up the good work!

Kamarri brings such a wonderful energy to our classroom .Every day, Kamarri shines brightly, spreading positivity and warmth to everyone around him. He exemplifies the Seven Habits wonderfully, serving as a fantastic role model for his fellow first graders. We're lucky to have him as part of our classroom community!

Viking VIP’s

2nd Grade:

I am so excited to share that Dorian is our VIking VIP for March! Dorian has really worked hard this quarter to make sure she understands all of the assignments given to her and that she gets them completed. She continues to grow and shine each day. Dorian makes our classroom a little brighter, just by being herself. I am so proud of all of her hard work!

Alijah has been doing a great job in 2nd grade. He is bright, curious and engages greatly in group activities. Alijah always is sharpening the saw! He is helpful to others, expresses activities he enjoys and values himself as well as his classmates greatly. I appreciate how Alijah adds to our classroom conversations. He is excited about learning new things and is always sharing information he learns with me. I am thankful for him!

Viking VIP’s

3rd Grade:

Alona has grown so much this year! She really cares about her own education and takes responsibility for it. She asks questions, engages in instruction, and works well with others. Alona tries her best and wants to succeed. I am so proud of her and excited to see all of her hard work pay off!

Michael is a true leader. He comes into class, ready to get started on our tasks. In science, Michael is very diligent about going back into the text to find evidence and knows he needs to accomplish this task before we do our hands-on activities. Michael leads by example as a student and a friend. Michael is a joy to have in class each and every day!

Viking VIP’s

4th Grade:

BreA sharpens the saw every day by being a very responsible student who always works hard to do her best and be her best every single day. BreA is a positive role model for her peers and her love for school is evident in everything that she does. 

Leonisha is such a light. She is a team player and is a great example of what it looks like to be a learner. Leonisha tries her best in everything she does. We are so lucky to join the Lincoln Heights community.

Viking VIP’s

5th Grade:

Autumn gets along well with others. She is respectful to her teachers and classmates. She has a positive attitude and always wants to do her best.

Isaiah is a fantastic member of our class. We are better because of him. Isaiah works great with any team he is put into. He always works in a way that the other students want to do their best with him. Other students want to have Isaiah in their groups. Keep it up!

Viking VIP’s