Viking VIP’s

Congratulations to our April Viking VIP’s


Autumn has shone brightly this month as a hard worker who consistently puts in her best effort. She is kind and respectful towards her peers and shows tremendous growth in her leadership skills. Autumn continues to impress me with her progress and positive attitude.  Good job sharpening the saw Autumn!

Jamiahna is a good role model.  She follows directions the first time and always completes her work! Jamiahna gets along very well with her classmates.

Viking VIP's

1st Grade:

Yah've has worked hard all year showing leadership and displaying habit 1 being proactive. In class Yah've leads by example always displaying a proactive can do attitude. She exudes positivity, light, kindness, and is a genuine friend to all her peers. I am so proud of how far she has come this year, congratulations and keep shining bright!

Camron is a positive ray of sunshine in first grade. He embodies Habit Two by consistently taking initiative and actively engaging in class activities. Camron has a can-do attitude and participates in classroom discussions. 

Viking VIP's

2nd Grade:

Daciana has been busy working on Habit 6, synergize! When faced with a problem in the classroom, Daciana has been working WITH her classmates instead of against them. I am proud of Daciana and how she strives to be sure we consider all aspects of a problem and how she brainstorms solutions to those problems. Congratulations Daciana and keep up the hard work! 

Aidah Johnson has vibed, thrived, and synergized in 2nd grade! She has communication skills beyond her years and is one of the kindest people I know. She does an amazing job with habit 5 which is "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." She is a great listener and flawlessly communicates her feelings. She is smart, caring and such a joy to have in class. She is going to do great things in this world and I cannot wait to continue watching her journey. Way to go Aidah!

Viking VIP's

3rd Grade:

I am so excited for Anyia to be our April VIP! She has truly exhibited Habit 2- Begin with the End in Mind. She is setting big goals for herself, and working hard to get there. She comes to school every day with a go-getter attitude and really sets herself up for success! I am so proud of her!!

Ki'Yale comes into school ready to learn. He asks questions and stays on task to be sure he exhibits habit #3: putting first things first. He is eager to complete his work and knows that is our priority. Ki'Yale also puts kindness first. He is a good friend to others and follows the rules in all areas of the school. It is a joy to see Ki'Yale, each day!

Viking VIP's

4th Grade:

Alaya synergizes daily as a positive role model for her peers and her love for school is evident in everything that she does. Alaya is a very responsible student who always works hard to do her best and be her best every single day.  

Jamal is a  natural-born leader.  Jamal models Lincoln Heights expectations! His maturity is appreciated. Jamal is also constantly going above and beyond to help with anything extra.

Viking VIP's


Kemiyah is a fantastic student leader in our class. Her silent actions to help other students are seen by many people. Kemiyah helps other students because she knows it is the right thing to do, not because she wants adults to see it. I'm so proud of her actions and the leader she is in the school. 

Aden has been working hard inside the classroom to achieve his academic best! He is always kind to his peers and teachers.  Aden is a quiet student who represents his school well.

Viking VIP's