Difference Maker Mayor Brian Poole

The Mayor of the Village of Woodlawn is a familiar face at Woodlawn Elementary School. Not only did he attend Woodlawn Elementary as a student, he is currently a substitute teacher in the building! 

Mayor Brian Poole said he loves giving back to the community. When he learned that Princeton City School District was looking for substitute educators, he decided to return and help in the classrooms. 

While Princeton is fortunate to have many talented and wonderful substitute teachers, we wanted to highlight Mayor Poole on Substitute Educators Day!  School and building substitutes play a vital role in maintaining high levels of education by following our classroom teachers' lesson plans to continue growth and learning.  

A special thank you to all our Princeton substitutes - thank you for being #DifferenceMakers! #vikingdiff

Do you want to make a difference? Click here to apply to be a substitute today!