This week, Princeton City Schools joins other schools across the country in celebrating Inclusive Schools Week. We will have activities and social media challenges each day. This year’s theme is “Unity within our Community.”

 Where’s Mr. Burton??

Join the social media challenge to guess where Mr. Burton is each day. We will post a picture of Mr. Burton wearing orange in one of our schools. Check our social media accounts each day to find him!

#VikingDiff #isw2022


Word of the Day: INCLUSION- Providing experiences and opportunities for all

Classroom Activity: How to Be an "Includer": Discussion on how to stand up and be an "includer."

Social Media Challenge: Tell us how you included someone today! Don't forget to tag us: #isw2022 #vikingdiff


Word of the Day: Diverse- Showing a great deal of variety and differences

Classroom Activity: Differences in our Schools: Activity to recognize and value our diversity

Social Media Challenge: Tell us what differences you value in your peers, or share your "I am from" poems! Don't forget to tag us: #isw2022 #vikingdiff


Word of the Day: Belong- To be a part of something

Classroom Activity: Feeling Left Out: Explore how it feels to be left out or marginalized

Social Media Challenge: Tell us what makes you feel like you belong! Don't forget to tag us: #isw2022 #vikingdiff


Word of the Day: Community- A feeling of belonging with a social group

Classroom Activity: Let Me In!: Learn strategies to stand up and be more inclusive

Social Media Challenge: Tell what you did today to make our community more inclusive! Don't forget to tag us: #isw2022 #vikingdiff


Word of the Day: Equity- Providing everyone with the resources that fit their circumstances

Classroom Activity: Go Orange for Inclusion: Take the pledge to be more inclusive

Social Media Challenge: Send us your pictures in orange with your pledge! Don't forget to tag us: #isw2022 #vikingdiff