Vikes on the Move with Futuristic background of space and web design

Dear Princeton City Schools Community,

We are writing to inform you about an important update regarding our social media presence. After careful consideration, Princeton City School District has decided to discontinue our activity on the platform formerly known as Twitter, now rebranded as X.

This decision was not made lightly. Since Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter in April 2022, the platform has undergone significant changes that have impacted our ability to effectively communicate with our community. Here are the key reasons behind our decision:

  1. Adult Content: Potential exposure to our students, staff, and community has increased now that X is allowing Adult Content. Due to this recent change, the social media platform is now blocked using our filtering service. 

  2. Embedding Restrictions: We can no longer embed our Twitter feed on our website, which was a valuable way to increase the visibility of our updates.

  3. Post Viewing Limits: Twitter has introduced limits on how many posts users can view per day unless they subscribe to a paid plan. Non-subscribers are restricted to reading only 600 posts per day, while subscribers can view up to 6,000 posts. This change reduces the reach and impact of our tweets.

  4. Rebranding Confusion: Twitter's rebranding to X has created confusion and instability. The lack of a consistent and recognizable icon and the potential for further changes have made it difficult to maintain brand continuity.

  5. Declining User Engagement: Many users have left the platform, which further diminishes the reach and engagement of our posts.

Given these changes, we believe it is in the best interest of our school community to focus our efforts on platforms where we can better engage with you. We have a stronger presence and more significant engagement on Facebook and Instagram, and we will be prioritizing these platforms moving forward.

We understand that this may be disappointing to some of our followers, especially those who appreciated our real-time updates on X. However, we are confident this change will allow us to communicate more effectively with our entire community.

What This Means for You

These platforms will continue to be our primary communication channels. 

We are committed to keeping you informed and engaged through our other social media channels and our website. We appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition.

Thank you for being a part of the Princeton City Schools community.

As Always…Go Vikes!

G. Elgin Card

Princeton City Schools