Student Spotlight Arilyn

🌟 Student Spotlight 🌟

Arilyn is kind, funny, honest, sincere, compassionate, (very) literal, talkative, inquisitive but most of all, persistent.

❤️ Arilyn was born at 24 weeks, weighing 1 lb. and .09ozs, only 480 grams. She spent 89 days in the NICU at Good Sam Hospital.  She is a contradiction to every medical journal written regarding prematurity. 

🏥 Because of her extraordinary achievements, Arilyn is currently enrolled in two separate studies through Children’s Hospital to help other/future preemies. This research helps doctors & specialists better understand the developmental impact on children who have spent time in the NICU.

🤝 With support from her parents, doctors, and teachers, she has exceeded all expectations! She is an ambassador of kindness at Springdale Elementary, as exhibited by the way she welcomes new students to our school!

📚 Arilyn loves reading and math.  Her favorite thing to do is play volleyball in PE! 🏐

Arilyn is a #differencemaker!