Student Fees
Pay Student Fees Online Here
To pay your student fees:
Instructional student fees are $30 per year for each student enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve.
Notification Reminder - the following information was shared in the Student Handbooks.
1. The principal will advise parents of fees due at the beginning of the school year.
2. During the first week of October, a letter from the Treasurer and an invoice to parents of students with outstanding fees and fines will be sent.
3. A payment schedule may be arranged at the building level, with full payment to be received by June 15 each year.
Pay to Participate: There may be additional fees if your child is involved in athletics or extracurricular activities. The Pay to Participate deadlines are:
Fall Sports - October 10, 2024
Winter Sports - January 10, 2025
Spring Sports - April 11, 2025
For questions regarding the Pay to Participate fees, please contact Mr. Joe Roberts (Athletics) at 513.864.1580.
Student fees are due October 10, 2024.
Student instructional fees may be paid by cash, check, or charge. Starting September 18, you can make a payment online through PaySchools. Click on the PaySchools logo on the right-hand side to register your account. Payments may be sent to school with your child or paid at the front office. All cash payments made in the buildings must be exact change.
All unpaid tuition, school fees, extra-curricular fees, library fees, damage fees, etc. stay on the student account.
The instructional fee is not prorated for students who begin after the start of the school year. Students who are approved for free lunch will have the instructional fee waived for the time frame in which they qualify.
In order to determine if you qualify for free meals, the Free and Reduced application for the 2024-2025 school year must be completed by the family and submitted to the Food Service Department. These applications are available online at - Free and Reduced Lunch Application for 2024-2025. Select the link to online application through PaySchools. This is a quick and easy way to submit your application and get an automatic result from the system. If the paper application is the only option, you will need to print it from our website. It is important to complete your application as soon as possible. The 2023/2024 Free and Reduced application carryover expires on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
Why are there student fees?
In an attempt to reduce budget costs of the District, as well as provide consistent instructional materials and supplies at each of the district’s buildings, the board of education, in 2013, adopted a policy (Board Policy 6152 – Student Fees, Fines, and Charges) to allow for the charging of a $30 instructional fee for each student enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve.
This instructional fee plays a critical role in ensuring equity among all buildings and balancing the district’s annual budget.
We collect student fees to help with additional costs associated with supporting our students. School fees help us fund:
Instructional Materials, Workbooks & Textbooks – Help with the costs of purchasing workbooks and textbooks for our students.
Technology—Help to pay for Chromebooks, iPads, school applications, computer support services, networking our schools’ computers to the server, and printing supplies.
Equipment – Help with purchasing equipment and supplies for our art, drama, music and physical education programs.
Field trips – Help with the cost of busing and entrance fees.
Don’t overpay!
If you pay cash at the school building, you must bring exact change.
If you’d like to donate to our school to help cover the costs of these and many other much-needed items, you can do so here through the Princeton Education Foundation. This ensures your donation is tax deductible and that the funds can be applied to areas of highest need.
PaySchool Program
If you need to fill out the Free and Reduced Application in the PaySchool Program, click on the link provided by PaySchools and "register" to start this process. You must have your child(ren)'s student identification number(s) to use this program. This ID number can be found on your child's schedule or past report card. If you do not have one, you can always call their school and ask the building secretary for it. For security purposes, you will be asked for verbal proof of your relationship with the student so the secretary can provide you with your child's ID number. Forms completed and submitted online will be processed immediately.
If you do not wish to use the online application option, you may request the paper form from the Food Service Department and submit it to your child's school. One application per family is all that is required. Paper forms will only be distributed by request. Another option is to print out the form on our website (under Food Assistance Information), complete it, and return it to your child's school. It could take up to 10 school days to process the paper form.
If you have any questions, please call the Food Service Office at 513-864-1022 or 513-864-1023.