“Officer Hayes is in the House!” This statement can be heard every Thursday, for the past two months, in Mrs. Mccrory’s fifth grade classes. We are so excited to have Officer Aaron Hayes from the Sharonville Police Department as our school resource officer. He visits us every Thursday to teach the DARE program to the students. The students have been learning how to make responsible decisions, handle stressful situations, respond to peer pressure, and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. But most importantly, Officer Hayes is building positive relationships with our children. The kids love playing basketball with him at recess, eating lunch with him, and asking him a variety of questions from our DARE boxes. Officer Hayes is a positive addition to Sharonville Elementary and we are glad he is working with us this year!!
Book Fair Success!
Thank you for supporting the Sharonville book fair! Here are the results shared by our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Vonna Anguiano! It was a huge success and there are lots of happy students with brand new books to read!
Early Literacy, Enrollment & Final Forms Fair
We hope you can join us for the Early Literacy and Final Forms Fair!
March 23 from 3:00-7:00 p.m.
Viking Village, 150 Viking Way
Free games, activities, the Princeton Mobile Book Center, Enrollment, and Final Forms Support for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Meet and Greet with the PHS Girls Basketball State Championship Team!
Crafts, Face Painting, Puzzles, Games, and a Photo Booth!!
Kindergarten Signing Table
#vikingdiff #welcomeNewVikings #EarlyLiteracyFair
Youth Soccer Camp
Princeton Youth Soccer Development Camp 2023
Come develop your soccer skills with the current PHS boys and girls soccer players and coaching staff!
When: July 10-13, 2023
Who: Boys and Girls - Grades K-8th
Where: Mancuso Field at The Jake Sweeney Automotive Stadium
Cost: Early Registration $60 (March 26-May 31) Late Registration $70 (June 1-June 30)
Early Registration: March 26-May 31
Late Registration: June 1- June 30
Questions? Email Cori Williams, Karin Benjamin, Coach Aaron or Coach Julian PrincetonSoccerBoosters@gmail.com
Basketball Champions Visit!
Sharonville Elementary was so excited to host the 2023 Ohio Girls Basketball D1 State Champs and their coach, Dee Davis! Students got to hear about the amazing journey of the basketball team and hear an inspirational message from Dee Davis about working hard to achieve their goals! Go Vikes!
Using Time Wisely
In 3rd and 4th grade social skills, students are learning executive functioning skills such as time management. Students sorted activities into categories such as wasting time, using time wisely, and it depends. Then the students spent time discussing which activities are good uses of their time when they are at school.
February Leaders of the Month!
Here are the February Leaders of the Month! These students were great examples of Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood. This habit teaches students to listen before they talk. They try to see things from the viewpoint of others. They listen to the feelings and ideas of others without interrupting.
Read Across America Day!
Every year the month of March is National Reading Month. The month is kicked off with National Read Across America Day on March 2nd, which is also Dr. Suess’ Birthday. The day was created in 1998 to help kids get excited about reading. To celebrate at Sharonville, Student Council members visited our kindergarten, first and second grade classrooms to do a read aloud and hand out bookmarks they designed.
Rally Robin in EL
Students practice using the Rally Robin technique from Kagan’s Cooperative Learning workshop! Fifth grade students in EL group use this strategy to master facts and information. It focuses on knowledge-building! This strategy also helps build interpersonal skills.
African-American History Makers Concert
3rd grade celebrated black history month with a concert led by Dr. Jackson called "African-American History Makers". Five students shared research from their writing class on a notable person in history. Shout-out to Paris, Sydney, Benji, Jackson, and Adryana for sharing their research! The audience learned about Lisa Leslie, Simone Biles, Stephen Curry, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr.!
Festival of the Arts
Hey 5th Graders!
Dear 5th Grade Students and Parents,
We are pleased to announce that it is time to begin the process to sign up for beginning band, orchestra and choir for next year. In the
next several weeks we will go through the process of enrolling fifth graders so that they may be in beginning band, orchestra and choir
classes when they are sixth graders at PCMS. These classes will meet as a regular part of the instructional day, and it is necessary to
make instrument selection decisions this year so that students can be scheduled into the appropriate sixth grade class.
Please see the process as outlined below. We encourage every one of you to become involved!
1. On March 1, 2023 Princeton District 5th graders will come to Matthews Auditorium for a special performance by the PCMS
Concert Orchestra and Concert Band as an opportunity to hear how instruments sound together in a group and to begin to think about
choosing an instrument for next school year. Please tear off the bottom portion of this letter and return to your elementary music
teacher to indicate permission to attend this field trip.
2. March 6-22, teams of PCMS music teachers will visit each elementary school and provide detailed information about instrument
and choir options, how to choose an instrument, and how to sign up for band or orchestra and choir at PCMS for the 2023-2024 school
year. This will be an opportunity for your child to see and hear each instrument by itself. An informational brochure will be sent home
with every 5th grader following this presentation.
3. “Try-it” night for all interested 5th graders and their parents will take place on March 22, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Matthews Auditorium,
150 Viking Way. Students will have a chance to try the instruments and parents can have all their questions answered. Most of the
instruments have a limited number of spaces available. Official SIGN UPS for 6th Grade Band, Orchestra and Choir will be available
online on March 22 starting at 8:00pm. We will take students on a first-come/first-serve/best fit for you basis. Once all of the spots are
filled, you will need to select a different instrument.
Please note that this may be the only opportunity for students to join the band and orchestra programs at Princeton. We are trying to be
very thorough in presenting information so parents and students can make a careful and informed decision about starting an
instrument. Being a member of the band, orchestra and choir can provide many benefits to young people; research shows that music
study contributes to academic success and character development as well as to musical and social growth. For many of our students,
membership in the Princeton band, orchestra and choir becomes one of the most valuable experiences of their school years. We look
forward to discussing our program with you in the weeks ahead.
Mrs. Kristen Brown Mrs. Syndy Casey Mrs. Shelley Miley
PCMS Band PCMS Orchestra PCMS Choir
krbrown@vikingmail.org scasey@vikingmail.org smiley@vikingmail.org
Kindergarten Leaders
Two students from Miss Love's Kindergarten class were recognized for being Leader of the Month! Congratulations to Bryson and Amir!
Shout-Out to Ms. Wolfensperger
Special Education Parent Information Night
5th to 6th Grade Special Education Parent Information Meeting
March 23, 2023 PCMS 6:00-7:00 p.m. PCMS DEN
Parents are invited to learn more about special education services at the middle school.
A short presentation will be followed with time to talk with teachers and administrators in the building.
RSVP to Jodi Stephens for the link: jstephens@vikingmail.org
Thank You, PFO!
Thank you to the Sharonville Elementary PFO for planning, setting up, cooking, and putting together two wonderful conference dinners for staff at Sharonville for parent-teacher conferences! We appreciate you so much!
Trip to Hot Chocolate
The Second Grade took a field trip to the Aronoff in December to see Hot Chocolate. The students enjoyed the performance. Thank you Dr. Jackson for your work in securing the grant funds for our trip!
It's a Party in 2nd Grade!
Our students continue to enjoy our class parties. Thank you to our families for your donations! Here are pictures of the second grade Holiday Party and Valentine's Party.
Second Grade Leaders of the Month
We continue to have students demonstrating fantastic behavior in second grade. Here are our Students of the Month for December and January!
Dental Health for 1st Graders
Thank you to Michele from West Chester Family Dentistry, who volunteered with Sharonville's first graders! She taught the kids about proper tooth brushing and did an experiment showing how acid and "sugar bugs" can hurt the enamel of your teeth.