State Report Card with stars and logos

Significantly Exceeds in Progress

Princeton City Schools proudly announces the release of the 2024 Ohio School Report Card, which showcases the remarkable achievements and progress of the district's educational institutions. The report card evaluates school performance using a five-star rating system in half-star increments, with five stars representing the highest performance and one star indicating the lowest. Princeton City Schools is proud to report that it has again surpassed state standards, earning an impressive 4-star overall rating.

The 2024 Princeton City School District Report Card reflects the following star ratings:

  • Overall - 4 Stars, Exceeds State Standards

  • Academic Achievement - 3 Stars, Meets State Standards

  • Progress - 5 Stars, Significant Evidence that the District Exceeded Student Growth Expectations by a Large Magnitude

  • Gap Closing - 4 Stars, Exceeds State Standards in Closing Education Gaps

  • Early Literacy (K-3) - 2 Stars, Needs Support to Meet State Standards

  • Graduation Rates - 3 Stars, Meets State Standards

This comprehensive report card comprises five essential components, each contributing to the district's overall rating. Notably, Princeton City School District's report card shows strong overall performance, earning 4 Stars and exceeding state standards. The district excels in Progress, achieving 5 Stars with significant evidence of exceeding student growth expectations by a large margin. Gap Closing also stands out with 4 Stars, surpassing state standards in reducing education gaps. Academic Achievement and Graduation Rates both meet state standards with 3 Stars each. However, Early Literacy (K-3) received 2 Stars, indicating a need for support to meet state benchmarks in this area. This comprehensive assessment reflects the district's strengths and areas for improvement across five key educational components.

“Our teachers continue to make great strides in building reading skills for students, and we believe we have the opportunity to continue improving in this area once all schools in Ohio become fully aligned with the Science of Reading,” said Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. “We know the Science of Reading works because we know now exactly how the brain learns to read. This is especially important for our young children, because the earlier they are able to master reading, the better positioned they will be for success in every subject throughout their education.”

Under the leadership of Governor DeWine, DEW is carrying out a number of statewide initiatives to raise literacy achievement. Through significant state investments, including Governor DeWine’s ReadOhio initiative, more schools are using high-quality instructional materials aligned with the Science of Reading.

For the second consecutive year, Springdale Elementary School earned an overall 5 Star rating, and Princeton High School earned 4.5 Stars. The high school earned 5 Stars in the areas of Progress, Gap Closing, and Graduation.

The Graduation Component measures the four-year and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates. While the district earned 3 Stars in 2023, with a 90% graduation rate, the 2024 report card reflects 5 Stars with a 97.6% four-year graduation rate and 95.5% five-year graduation rate. The weighted graduation rate for Princeton High School is 96.8%.

"We are immensely proud of Princeton City Schools' performance on the 2024 Ohio School Report Card. Our 4-star overall rating, exceeding state standards, reflects the dedication of our entire educational community. Our 5-star rating in Progress for the third consecutive year is particularly noteworthy, demonstrating our commitment to fostering exceptional student growth,” reports Superintendent G. Elgin Card.

“While we celebrate our achievements in areas like Gap Closing and improved Graduation Rates, we also recognize the opportunity for growth in Early Literacy. We're committed to addressing this challenge head-on, aligning with statewide initiatives like the Science of Reading. I invite our community to join us at our State of the Schools event on September 25th to learn more about our successes and our plans for continued improvement."

Princeton City Schools encourages parents, neighbors, students, and graduates to explore various avenues for evaluating the quality of education provided. While the Ohio School Report Cards offer valuable insights, the district encourages engagement with its schools through visiting, attending events, and participating in community gatherings. These interactions provide a holistic understanding of Princeton's mission to "Empower each student for college, career, and life success." 

Everyone plays a role in the success of Ohio schools. Community members are encouraged to learn what’s happening in their local schools. All stakeholders are invited to learn more at Princeton’s annual State of the Schools event on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at Viking Village, 150 Viking Way, Cincinnati, Ohio. From 6:00-7:00 PM, there will be a student showcase. At 7:15 PM, Superintendent G. Elgin Card and Treasurer Chris Poetter will present the State of the Schools Address in Matthews Auditorium. 

For those seeking a more detailed understanding of the report card's components and ratings, the "Guide to the 2023-2024 Ohio School Report Cards" offers an overview and explanation of key elements. To access the ratings and data for your district or school, please visit