Transportation Message

Please Note:

First Student, Inc. is NOT having a hiring freeze. They are currently hiring.

No Athletic buses have been cut at this time.

There are no changes to elementary routes.

The only change at this time is that we are not offering Activity Buses for students home from school if they stay late on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The activities and extracurricular clubs will continue to happen.

If you have more specific questions, please call 513.864.1093 or come to our community Listening Sessions.

Dear Parents and Students of Princeton Community Middle School, Princeton High School, Princeton Innovation Center, and Scarlet Oaks,

We are reaching out to share an important update regarding after-school transportation as our district works to balance its budget responsibly. To continue supporting essential services, we must make difficult decisions, including adjustments to the Activity Bus services provided by First Student, Inc.

While Zero Bell and regular school day pick-ups and drop-offs will remain unchanged through the end of the school year, modifications will affect after-school Activity Bus routes from Princeton Community Middle School (PCMS) and Princeton High School (PHS) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Starting in January 2025, we will no longer provide Activity Buses. The after-school activities will still be available, but students riding Activity Buses after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays will need to find alternative transportation home.

We recognize this change may require adjustments for some families. We wanted to give you as much time as possible to start arranging transportation for your children who stay after school. 

If carpooling or finding a responsible adult driver is a challenge for your family, consider using Metro Now for 7-12th grade students.  Metro offers safe, reliable, and convenient transportation options. To learn more about visit, download the free MetroNow! on-demand app, or schedule a trip by calling 513.551.5555.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jon Fricke, Director of Operations, or the First Student Transportation Department at 513-554-0105. 

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work together to make these necessary adjustments.

12 de Diciembre del 2024

Estimados padres y estudiantes de Princeton Community Middle School, Princeton High School, Princeton Innovation Center y Scarlet Oaks:

Nos comunicamos con usted para compartir una actualización importante sobre el transporte escolar después de clases, mientras nuestro distrito trabaja para equilibrar su presupuesto de manera responsable. Para continuar apoyando los servicios esenciales, debemos tomar decisiones difíciles, incluidos ajustes a los servicios del autobús de actividades después de la escuela proporcionados por First Student, Inc.

Si bien Zero Bell y los lugares para recoger y dejar en el día escolar regular permanecerán sin cambios hasta el final del año escolar, las modificaciones afectarán las rutas de autobuses de actividades después de la escuela desde Princeton Community Middle School (PCMS) y Princeton High School (PHS) los martes y jueves.

A partir de Enero del 2025, ya no proporcionaremos autobuses de actividades después de la escuela. Las actividades después de la escuela seguirán estando disponibles, pero los estudiantes que viajen en los autobuses de actividades después de la escuela los martes y jueves deberán encontrar transporte alternativo a casa.

Reconocemos que este cambio puede requerir ajustes para algunas familias. Queríamos darle el mayor tiempo posible para que comience a organizar el transporte para sus hijos que se quedan después de la escuela.

Si compartir el viaje o encontrar un conductor adulto responsable es un desafío para su familia, considere usar Metro Now para estudiantes de 7º a 12º grado.  Metro ofrece opciones de transporte seguras, confiables y convenientes. Para obtener más información, visite, descargue MetroNow de forma gratuita. aplicación a pedido o programe un viaje llamando al 513.551.5555.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con Jon Fricke, Director de Operaciones o con el Departamento de Transporte de First Student al 513-554-0105.

Gracias por su comprensión y apoyo mientras trabajamos juntos para realizar estos ajustes necesarios.