📣Congratulations CyberVikes! 🎮The Super Smash Bros Ultimate team beat Harrison High School in a Wild Card Match advancing them to regional play! ⭐The Southwest Regional Tournament will be held at the University of Cincinnati on Saturday, March 16th. 🎫 Tickets may be purchased at: https://ticketstripe.com/swregional24   Team Captain Erick Herrera, Testify Jaylin Powell, PringlesCat Jordan Trapp, ZombieMushroom16 Chris Washington, Cheezer0 Braxton Williams, cookies and our scorekeeper Tyler Pham, noz Coach Tish Jones #AAGV #SSBU #CyberVikes Photo of team wtih logos
HBCU Virtual Fair Graphic
Seniors Announcement  on a red, white and gray graphic design
March is Music in our Schools Month, logo, with words: Learn how you can celebrate your music program this month
Tri M Music Honor Society, The Tri M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for high school students words wtih Tri M logo
Letter from the Principal Ron Bollmer, 4th Quater image of desk wtih Princeton City School Logo
Viking Mascot holding megaphone, YouthTruth Survey for Princeton City Schools
Ready for ACT
iGuardian Comic Characters for Homeland Security Invesitgations
Samuel Mitchell  Eagle Scout Project
EOC Testing Schedule End of Cours Princeton High SChool
Presidents Day
ECA Presentation cover image
Girls Basketball Bracket
National School Counselors Week
PHS Early Release
Prestige Senior Portraits
📣​Join us for a day of free financial education, resources, and giveaways.  💲​ Financial Fitness Fair ​  Princeton High School 📍​ Viking Room 100 Viking Way Cincinnati, OH 45246  📅​February 24, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians Welcome  ​ 🪙​ Get your federal and state tax questions answered.  🖨️​ Appointments will be taken to get your tax returns completed at no charge.  ❓​ For more information, contact: Mr. Jim O'Connor jfoconnor@vikingmail.org​ ​If you are interested in sponsoring this event or setting up a vendor table, please click here  Click here to view/print the flyer in English and Spanish​​
All Princeton staff, families and students are invited to the PHS Symphonic Band and Orchestra Send Off Concert on Monday, February 12 at 7:00pm in Matthews Auditorium. We will be collecting donations at the concert for Hawaii Wildfires Disaster Relief and ask you to bring items such as cases of bottled water, personal care products, cleaning supplies, paper products, baby and infant supplies, first-aid items, candles and flashlights to the concert. Donations will be taken to Matthew 25 Ministries.  The PHS Symphonic Band and Orchestra will travel to Hawaii February 14-19 and will be performing at the USS Missouri at Pearl Harbor and Malama Honua  Elementary School.