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Vincent Henley
Teacher - Intervention Specialist
High School
Rachelle Williams
Teacher - Art
High School
William Hoctor
Teacher - Math
High School
Lindsay Holliday
Teacher - Art
High School
Jerold Hollin
High School
Judy Kelly
Teacher - English
High School
Mary Klatte
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Katherine Lampe
Teacher - English
High School
Richard Ledford
Teacher - Intervention Specialist
High School
Todd Leonhardt
Teacher - Music
High School
Amy Liebat
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Ricardo Lizardi Dejesus
High School
Vicki Lofland
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Latoyah Luther
Secretary - Athletics
High School
Angela Mcclellan
Teacher - Music
High School
Carl Miller
Building Maintenance Worker
High School
Matthew Montag
Teacher - Intervention Specialist
High School
Wendy Moore
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Brian Mullholand
Teacher - Social Studies
High School
Nicholas Munlin
Student Monitor Aide
High School