I have some wonderful students who were nominated to be in the OMEA District 14 Junior High Honor Orchestra! I have attached a photo below of all students involved. Their performance is Saturday, January 18th at 3pm at Winton Woods High School. Here are names (front row to back row, left to right).   Hector Ruiz (violin) (not pictured)   Front Row: Jose Coj Aqueche (violin), Bryan Mendiola Cruz (violin), Sofia Gutierrez (violin), Leidy Sacarias (violin), Ashley Bartolon Ramirez (violin), Stefani Perez Bartolon (violin), Marvin Hunter (violin), Makenna Holloway (viola), Laura Mejia Gonzalez (viola), Kevin Garcia Bartolon (viola), Nyah Lynn (viola), Catie Mayborg (viola), Kaycee Taggett (violin), Fatima Sharif (violin)  Second Row: Estrella De Jesus Garcia (violin), Camarah Carter (violin), Adore Thurman (violin), Haley Roblero Ortiz (violin), Aileen Mendiola (violin), Rudy Ixcoy Lopez (violin), Joel Bierkan (bass), Pierre Tardivon (cello), Camille Alexander (cello), Solomon Fulton (cello), Elijah Howard (cello), Trinity VonStein (cello), Kailani Goodwin (cello), Addison Marksbury (violin)

PCMS student musicians were nominated to be in the OMEA District 14 Junior High Honor Orchestra! Their performance is Saturday, January 18th at 3pm at Winton Woods High School.

Hector Ruiz (violin) (not pictured) 

Front Row: Jose Coj Aqueche (violin), Bryan Mendiola Cruz (violin), Sofia Gutierrez (violin), Leidy Sacarias (violin), Ashley Bartolon Ramirez (violin), Stefani Perez Bartolon (violin), Marvin Hunter (violin), Makenna Holloway (viola), Laura Mejia Gonzalez (viola), Kevin Garcia Bartolon (viola), Nyah Lynn (viola), Catie Mayborg (viola), Kaycee Taggett (violin), Fatima Sharif (violin)

Back Row: Estrella De Jesus Garcia (violin), Camarah Carter (violin), Adore Thurman (violin), Haley Roblero Ortiz (violin), Aileen Mendiola (violin), Rudy Ixcoy Lopez (violin), Joel Bierkan (bass), Pierre Tardivon (cello), Camille Alexander (cello), Solomon Fulton (cello), Elijah Howard (cello), Trinity VonStein (cello), Kailani Goodwin (cello), Addison Marksbury (violin)

Some of the students that were nominated for the Junior High Honor Orchestra were selected to audition for the inaugural Junior High Honor Orchestra Chamber Ensemble. 5 of our Princeton Students successfully auditioned and were accepted into the Junior High Honor Orchestra (JHHO) Chamber Ensemble. Out of 42 students that auditioned, they only accepted 20! They will perform first at the same January 18th concert before the whole Honor Orchestra performs. 

photo of post with OMEA District 14 logo and lettering JH Honor Chamber Orchestra Ensemble with student and instruments and names