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John Wood
Food Service Worker/Cashier
High School
Joe Roberts
Athletic Director
High School
Charles Newton
Assistant Principal - High School
High School
Jason Hollowell
Auditorium Manager
High School
Andrew Fermier
Teacher - Music
High School
Sydney Lapham
Teacher - Math
High School
Tong Xie
Teacher - Math
High School
Jack Jepson
Teacher - Intervention Specialist
High School
Krystal Johnson
High School
Samantha Shoemaker
Teacher - Math
High School
James Day
High School
Therasas Kahr
Student Monitor Aide
High School
Joshua Williams
High School
Emily Duerr
Teacher - Math
High School
Audra Fields
Teacher - Technology
High School
Kathlyn Gracia
Teacher - Science
High School
Brittany Delotell
Teacher - Science
High School
Karin Benjamin
Uniform Maintenance
High School
Bryan Wyant
Teacher - Physical Education
High School
Ada Mills
High School