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Darrell Brockman
Paraprofessional - EdOptions
High School
Heather Mattingly
Account Data Processing Clerk
High School
Frank Chisman
Head Custodian - High School
High School
Andre Parker
Secondary Student Support & Success Coordinator
High School
John Wilhelm
Assistant Principal - High School
High School
Deonna Davis
Secondary Wellness Coordinator
High School
Ariel Anand
Teacher - English
High School
Matthew Bradley
High School
Melissa Goeglein
Teacher - English
High School
Matthew Haberkorn
Teacher - Spanish
High School
Jonathan Herr
Teacher - Science
High School
Alison Bridge
High School
Joseph Solis
Teacher - English
High School
Pamela Jones
Food Service Cashier
High School
Antwan Peek
Student Monitor Aide
High School
Wendy Weller
Teacher - Intervention Specialist
High School
Michael Simich
Teacher - Social Studies
High School
Lanise McCallum
Teacher - Intervention Specialist
High School
Deborah Bagby
Food Service Worker/Cashier
High School
DeMarco Davis
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School