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Ryan Simmons
Paraprofessional - ESL
High School
Edward Martin
Teacher - Social Studies
High School
Rick Egbert
High School
Abby Schwetschenau
Teacher - English
High School
Cooper Scholz
Teacher - Social Studies
High School
Kristina Greiwe
Teacher - Spanish
High School
Jessica Koch
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Paul Breidenbach
Paraprofessional - ESL
High School
Jeff McDaniel
Director of Security
High School
Roger Dumas
School Security Officer
High School
Christopher Cunningham
Assistant Athletic Director
High School
Rick Haynes
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Hannah Van Dyke
Teacher - Math
High School
Gabrielle Glossner
Teacher - Spanish
High School
Abby Page
Teacher - Math
High School
Christa Wilson
High School
Lauren Brown
School Nurse
High School
Corneisha Morris
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Gabrielle Hogel
Paraprofessional - Special Education
High School
Royann Johnson
High School