Office: (513) 864-1062
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the school's programs and activities. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and retaliation are forms of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.
The school district does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation and takes steps to ensure that students, employees, and third parties are not subject to a hostile environment in school programs or activities. The school district responds promptly and effectively to allegations of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and retaliation. It promptly conducts investigations and takes appropriate action, including disciplinary action, against individuals found to have violated its policies, as well as provides appropriate remedies to complainants and the campus community. The school district takes immediate action to end a hostile environment if one has been created, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of any hostile environment on affected members of the campus community.
Who is the District's Title IX Coordinator?
Princeton City Schools has designated the following individuals to coordinate compliance with Title IX and handle inquiries regarding the School's policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex:
Tonya West Wright & Kevin Jamison
Tonya West Wright
Dr. Kevin Jamison
Office: (513) 864-1094
Confidentiality: If you have experienced sexual misconduct and would like to speak confidentially with someone about your reporting options, please consider contacting our Title IX Coordinator. The School District will generally honor a complainant’s request for confidentiality. However, complainants should be advised that this may limit the District’s ability to respond fully to the report. Reports made to District employees other than those specifically identified as confidential sources must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, who will evaluate the reports to determine whether action must be taken to protect the School District community.