Mental Health Services

We recognize the importance of consistent and continued care for our students who access our school-based mental health services. The district has contacted each of our mental health partners and they plan to continue to provide access to mental health services. Any specific questions or concerns should be directed to your student’s therapist and treatment provider. All agencies have options for home visits (as appropriate) or telephone sessions. 

CRISIS HOTLINE: 513-281-2273

CRISIS TEXTLINE: 839863 and text 4HOPE

Si tú estás en crisis o piensas en suicidarte, o si conoces a alguien en crisis o que piensa en suicidarse, llama: 

La Red Nacional de Prevención de Suicido (en español) 


Línea 988 de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis

If you are in crisis or are thinking of suicide, or if you know someone in crisis or who is thinking of suicide, call: 

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (in English) 


Suicide Prevention Lifeline

These crisis lines are operated 24/7, so please call if you have any concerns or questions. 
