Intra-District Enrollment

Intra-District Enrollment for School Year 2025-2026 

Applicable to families who reside within the boundaries of the Princeton School District wishing to make an application for their elementary school student to attend a building other than their assigned attendance area elementary. 

The application period is January 6, 2025, through February 28, 2025. Additional information has been mailed to the home address of currently enrolled students. All elementary students who attend a school not in their neighborhood and are not assigned to another school due to program offerings must apply each year to continue an intra-district transfer. Parents or guardians may be required to provide transportation for any students enrolled through intra-district. Intra-district transfers are made in alignment with district policies and guidelines.

All applications must be submitted in person at the elementary building of the parent’s first choice. Please indicate your first, second, and third school building choice.

Intra-district Enrollment – School Year 2025-2026 Information in English and Spanish

Intra-district Enrollment – School Year 2025-2026 Application in English and Spanish