initiative HBCU 1st annual HBCU College and Career Fair

Building on the success of ,our 25th anniversary conference and career fair in Washing DC, HBCU CONNECT is proud to partner with the Directing Adolescent Dev,ellopm1ent (DA initiative to launch the first annual HBCU career Fair for H11gh School Students. HBCU C0NNIECT, with over 1.5 million members, is the largest network of students, alumni, and supporters of Historically Black Colleges and universities (HBCUs). The D.A.D. Initiative, founded in 2013, is a a non-profit organization that eng1ag1es thousands of students, families, and communities through programs in technological education, mentorship, workforce development, and skills training. This event will not only introduce students to ,a wide range of HBCUs but also explore alternative career pathways including vocational opportunities and jobs off1ering1 tuition reimbursement.

Saturday, November 16, 2024, 7Am-3PM at Princeton High School

Target Attendees: 500 + high school students who live within 200 miles of the Cincinnati, Ohio area which includes Northern Kentucky, Hamilton, Middletown, Dayton (Ohio) Columbus (Ohio) and Indianapolis (lndiana).

Additional Details: High School students (grades 9-12) and parents will receive valuable college and career inslg1ht including but not limited to:

Positioning your Child for Success with early planning

College Savings 101: Understanding Your Options

Understanding Financial Aid & Scholarships

Career Pathways Exploration

Dressing for Success

Professional Etiquette & Code Switching

The Art of Networking & Self Advocacy

Click here to view/print the flyer

Schedule of Events